Top 10 List of Week 02
Olivia Monica --- Canary

Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. How to Verify Checksum on Linux (Beginner Guide)
    Basic explanation of checksums. Though this week we use SHA256, but there’s a lot of checksum algorithms. This site also explains a GUI way of how to verify file with checksum using GtkHash. There’s a Debian quiz at the end of the page, which only 9% people got it correctly.

  2. The top five vulnerabilities that could lead to a cyberattack
    A list of 5 OS-based vulnerabilities. Each problem has severity rating, some have factual data and graphs for further explanation.

  3. How To Program Your Very Own Operating Systems (OS)
    The title itself is already interesting, but this site doesn’t really explain how you actually build your own OS from scratch. It explains the knowledge you’d need, some other tutorial links, and OS developer communities.

  4. After All These Years, the World is Still Powered by C Programming
    So… most things in OS like Windows, Linux, and Mac are in C language because of some reasons like efficiency. After some GSGS about if there’s any OS that isn’t actually in C, I found this link instead. People might use other than C to build an application or software, but it’s still used in many systems.

  5. Why the C programming language still rules
    A complimentary to previous link. It compares C to other programming languages: Python, Java, even C++. For me, those comparisons give me more illustration of how C still “rules”.

  6. VirtualBox inside VirtualBox. Is that possible?
    Long story short: yes. Kind of a random thought that passed my mind, the question eventually turned into “Is that not possible?” instead. Basically one of the limitations mainly is hardware. The site quotes some answers from a discussion.

  7. Technical Reasons Why Linux Doesn’t Need Antivirus
    I was about to GSGS about “why linux username doesn’t allow capital” but Google search recommendations said why don’t search “why linux doesn’t need antivirus” instead so here we go. It doesn’t mean Linux is completely safe from virus, but it’s a lot safer compared to Windows.

  8. What Operating System Is the Best Choice for Software Engineers?
    It seems engineers favor Linux more than the other OS. I didn’t consider how different OS might be more suitable for software development, so this might be an enlightment. Though I wonder if there’s actually someone running a split partition with Windows and macOS plus using external drive for Linux.

  9. Digital Signatures and Certificates
    By “signature” it doesn’t mean you have to literally sign it… That’s why it’s actually a digital signature. The purpose is to confirm that something is sent by a specific sender. The signing algorithm includes encrypting a hash value with a private key. This site also shows a diagram of steps in creating digital signature.

  10. 10 Minute Markdown Tutorial
    I wish I found this sooner. It’s a practical lesson of Markdown with examples that you can do by yourself. Pretty useful for beginners to get used to Markdown and learn a lot about its features.

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