Top 10 List of Week 03
Olivia Monica --- Canary

Top 10 List of Week 03

  1. The Linux Directory Structure, Explained
    “If you’re coming from Windows, the Linux file system structure can seem particularly alien.” And yeah, since I’ve only ever used Windows, it takes a while to learn about Linux Directory Structure.

  2. An introduction to Linux filesystems
    High-level explanation of Linux filesystems, meaning it’s not particularly an in-depth guide. Includes some situation that the authors experienced, which might happen to us as well.

  3. Linux vs Windows File Permissions
    On the previous week I come across a statement of how Linux is much safer than Windows when it comes to virus, which is related to permissions. This site explains how Linux and Windows approach permissions in a different way.

  4. FUSE Documentation
    A documentation of Fuse (Filesystem in Userspace). Explains the definitions and some uses of Fuse.

  5. What is ZFS? Why are People Crazy About it?
    An explanation of Zetta File System. I tried to GSGS for ZAFL as well but couldn’t find any interesting article about it.

  6. ZFS vs NetApp’s WAFL
    A site I found from a short article about how it’s kind of impossible to compare ZFS and WAFL. The links on both site can’t be found, but it’s interesting to read the comments on the forum.

  7. The .asc file and what to do with it
    Tarballs have extensions like .tar.gz and .tar.bz2, but I noticed some files have .asc extensions as well and not just for tarballs.

  8. What Is a TAR File?
    An explanation of what TAR file is. It includes of some commands to open, convert, etc.

  9. What Are TAR, GZ, and BZ2?
    Short explanation and comparison between those formats. I GSGSed those because I found tar files with different extensions, but tar commands still work for both.

  10. Where the term “tarball” comes from?
    I thought there’s a real meaning behind the term “tarball”. Except that tar stands for Tape ARchive, added with a joke.

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